It was "Super Tuesday" as many headed to the polls, then headed for cover as a major tornado outbreak hit the central portion of the country. Arkansas was in the middle of it. By the end of the day, an EF4 tornado tracked almost 122 miles continuously through western and northern Arkansas. It was the longest track in recorded state weather history. That single tornado claimed 13 lives and according to the tornado history project web site, almost 140 were injured. A total of 12 twisters tore through Arkansas February 5th, 2008, 14 died, and almost 180 were injured.
It was a day none of us will ever forget. The next day I was sent to Atkins to look at the damage and it was more heartbreaking than I ever imagined. I saw homes and lives ripped apart.
Below are radar animations of that day, pictures I took, and some viewer photos as well. Let's hope we never have anything like this again.
In this radar animation, you will see the supercell in front of the main line which caused the record breaking twister. This was a text book example of an individual cell in front of the main line rotating. We always watch those storms closely and now you know why.
